Guns kill more people each year across the globe than landmines. Illicit weapons and unsecured ammunition undermine peace, security and stability in countless countries. Unsecured weapons fall into the hands of insurgents, extremists and criminal gangs, threatening civilian life. They are a threat to global security in places from Central America to West Africa and the Balkans.
According to the UN, there are over 750 million illicit weapons in circulation globally. They are used in terrorist attacks and human trafficking, and stoke endemic violence in fragile states. The majority of illicit weapons originate from government stockpiles, and are stolen, diverted or captured by criminals.
Meanwhile explosive stockpile accidents cause thousands of casualties and cost millions of dollars in damage. Incidents happen regularly around the globe, often a result of weak security-force capacity, poor government accountability and aging infrastructure. These incidents degrade government stability and contribute to the displacement of civilians.
Securing weapons
El Salvador has a high murder rate, partly due to the large numbers of guns imported during the civil war. Unsecured guns, combined with gang culture, mean local people like Maria, fear for their safety every day. We are working with the Police and Armed Forces to secure weapons and build a safer future for El Salvadorans.
Building capacity
By training local police and soldiers to manage arms stores, we build capacity and help communities to help themselves. Consequently, we play a key role in achieving peace and stability after conflict.

HALO works with governments and national security forces to mark and register state stockpiled weapons and those found or seized by the police.
Marking and record keeping allows the tracking and tracing of weapons, reducing the likelihood of them falling into the wrong hands and making communities safer.
Create a safer future for families living with the dangerous legacy of war
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